Do you love to read?

Do you enjoy learning through reading?

Many people love to read, but don’t make enough time to do it. I’m certainly one of them!

So when I do read something, and it’s something that stands out, I like to share it.

Here are some of my best reads and why.

  • How to make business work better for society

    The Ethical Capitalist - Julian Richer

    The Ethical Capitalist by Julian Richer, founder of Richer Sounds. This book was gifted to me when I was accepted as a member of the Good Business Charter.

    The idea that ethical business is the best form of business, and some great reading on how to make business better through ethical conduct.

    I read through it over a few evenings and would highly recommend it.

  • Dr Lisa Mosconi Brain Food

    Brain Food How to Eat Smart and Sharpen Your Mind - Dr Lisa Mosconi

    I found this a lot to take in, knowing apparently very little about nutrition!

    It was really interesting to read, but you do have to take notes to get the most out of it!

    It comes not only with education about how food links to your brain as well as body function, suggestions on top foods covering a range of vitamins, and their purpose, as well as some smoothie ideas!

  • The rise of the female entrepreneur

    The Rise of the Female Entrepreneur - A Collaborative Book

    I’m currently writing my own collaborative book. What a great way to start your journey as an author!

    This book takes you through the empowering stories of 23 female entrepreneurs including the fabulous Sarah Makinde!

  • Change mindset, shift attitudes and achieve extraordinary results

    The 4 Greatest Coaching Conversations - Jerry Connor & Karim Hirani

    Managers have it tough don’t they?

    Often promoted because they are great at their jobs, but does that mean they can lead people?

    This book covers 4 great conversation coaching styles that can be used when dealing with teams.

    From getting yourself heard, to having difficult conversations.

  • A real insight into the different areas of Autism and what might be experienced

    How to Nurture your Young Autistic Person - Cathy Wassell

    Nurturing your young Autistic Person by Cathy Wassell is not only a real lived experience of a parent to Neurodivergent children, but is also backed by research.

    It covers such a wide range of detailed areas that might be an experience of living with Autism and if you are trying to wrap your head around a diagnosis, or particular behavioural traits - this may just give you those “aha” moments.

  • A book of courage from coaches and entrepreneurs

    Courage by Sarah Makinde & Co

    Such a wide range of stories of overcoming mental ill health, facing adversity and finding the path to your own success.

    I was super lucky to be a part of this collaborative book!